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Webinar: Microsecond Resolved IR Spectroelectrochemistry Using Dual Frequency Comb IR Lasers

Back at the end of May, our own Ian Burgess gave a presentation on time-resolved spectroelectrochemistry using the Jackfish cell. These types of experiments are made possible by using an tunable infrared laser source as opposed to a globar. The webinar was hosted by IRsweep AG, a manufacturer of a tunable laser-based IR spectrometer.

The first 10 minutes of the webinar gives an overview of the dual-frequency comb technology as applied to IRsweep’s IRis-F1 spectrometer presented by Raphael Horvath. This introduction is followed by Ian’s 20-minute presentation on the first use of dual comb spectroscopy (DCS) for time-resolved ATR-SEIRAS measurements. Ian presents the desorption of a pyridine derivative as a test system to demonstrate a 10 μs time resolution. The DCS instrument provides a huge reduction in experiment time compared to a conventional step-scan experiment that would otherwise be required to achieve comparable time resolution. This presents exciting possibilities for the monitoring of transient species adsorbed to the electrode during electrocatalysis. The webinar is concluded with a 10 minute Q&A period.

Many thanks to IRsweep for facilitating the webinar. Click here to view the VOD of the webinar.