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Identifying wafer types

Microgrooved wafers are available in a choice of two different face angles: 35° and 55°. To identify the face angle of the wafer, observe the ends of the grooves. The ends of the 55° grooves are square, while the ends of the 35° grooves are capped by a triangle. The orientation of the grooves with respect to the wafer length and width is not a reliable indicator of the face angle. Please use the ends of the grooves to identify the wafer face angle.

35 degree

55 degree

The ends of the 35° groove profile are triangular.

The ends of the 55° groove profile are square.

Orienting and Sealing the Wafer in the Cell

The microgrooved wafers can be installed such that the grooves are either parallel or perpendicular to the incident beam. The performance is comparable for both orientations for most applications.

If one orientation is preferred for a given set of experimental conditions, take note of the direction of the grooves with respect to the side-lengths of the wafer. (Some batches of wafers have the grooves aligned parallel to the long side-length of the wafers, while other batches have the grooves aligned parallel to the short side-length.) Place the wafer holder in the VeeMAX III top plate and place the wafer groove-side down in the holder. Rotate the wafer holder in the pocket of the VeeMAX top plate such that the incident beam is oriented with respect to the grooves according to the desired result. Use the table below as a guide to aid installation.

IR beam parallel to groovesIR beam perpendicular to grooves
Wafer grooves
are parallel to
short side-

Alignment nub faces front of VeeMAX.

Alignment nub faces side of VeeMAX.
Wafer grooves
are parallel to
long side-

Alignment nub faces side of VeeMAX.

Alignment nub faces front of VeeMAX.
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Choosing between J1 and J2 cells

With the release of the J2 cell, you may be wondering which Jackfish cell is the most suitable for your research. The table below contrasts the features of the two cells to help you decide which cell might be a better fit.


JackfishSEC J1WP cell

JackfishSEC J2WP cell
Material PurityAll wetted components made of glass, FKM/FFKM, and PTFE/PEEK. All components can be rigorously cleaned according to standard electrochemistry procedures.Under normal use, the wetted materials are glass, FKM/FFKM, and PTFE/PEEK. The PTFE-coated rubber septum is exposed to solvent vapours. Celcon compression caps cannot be acid washed.
Electrolyte optionsGround glass joints designed for use with aqueous electrolyte.Completely sealed cell design is compatible with volatile solvents.
Counter electrodeJackfish offers a choice of Pt or Au CE. Extra 7/14 ground glass joints are supplied for users to utilize a metal wire of their choice.Pt CE available as an add-on. Standard 6 mm diameter compression-style fitting accommodates a variety of third-party electrodes.
Reference electrodeReference arm is separated with a stopcock which acts as a salt bridge, preventing migration of RE filling solution into the cell body.

Jackfish offers Ag/AgCl RE, or the user can supply their own to fit in the 18 mm ID reference arm.
Electrodes are inserted directly into the cell in close proximity to the working electrode, reducing the impedance.

A standard 6 mm diameter compression-style threaded port accommodates a variety of aqueous and non-aqueous commercial electrodes.
Air-sensitive chemistryOnly possible by greasing the ground glass joints. Wetted ground glass joints slowly evaporate water to the environment and are unsuitable for use in a glovebox.Completely sealed design can be used with Schlenk technique, or in a glovebox.
Minimum cell volume20 mL (including reference arm)10 mL

You might also want to check out our product release video for the J2 which walks through the differences between the cells in a bit more detail.

If you can’t decide which cell is best for you, or if you want to take advantage of the features of both cells, we do offer a combo discount available if both cells are purchased at the same time.